Friday, November 20, 2009

Promotion Tests are Exciting!

A good martial arts school promotes humility, but it should also provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their growing skills and maturity. Promotion tests are perfect for achieving this goal because students are encouraged to strut their stuff boldly!

The weeks before a promotion test are especially exciting because students who have become restless with their current rank stretch themselves to the brink to prepare for promotion.

It’s customary in Asian martial arts to measure progress by belt color designation. In Japan advancement is slow and incremental. However, many schools in North America hold promotion tests each month!

Seichou Karate® takes the Japanese approach because we believe that 30 days is not enough time for real growth to occur. We hold regular promotion tests in fall and spring because, as the seasons dramatically, it is appropriate to also move forward in our Seichou Karate® training.

Join us tomorrow, November 21, for our Fall Performance Promotion Test. We encourage guests to watch friends or family members take the test. Here’s the schedule: 10:00 AM - Warm-up Class for all levels; 11:30 AM - White, Blue & Yellow Belts; 12:15 PM - Green, Purple & Brown Belts